Orion Travel

N.B. This list is incomplete.

All fleet lists on this site are unofficial

Updated 14 Mar 2024

To record a change of depot, status, or livery, click on a vehicle to bring up the vehicle record, then use the relevant "change" button. If a vehicle is missing, search for it, and if it isn't found on the database, click the "Suggest" button to get it added.

Show depot:

HIG 4522ManchesterDennis Trident / Plaxton PresidentWhite
LD04 MCTManchesterVolvo B7R / Plaxton ProfileCream
AB03 BUSManchesterVolvo B12M / Plaxton ParagonGrey
JD54 CJDManchesterVolvo B12B / Plaxton PantherCream
F14 BUSManchesterVan Hool AstronGrey
OT52 BUSManchesterVolvo B12M / Plaxton ParagonGrey
HIG 4514ManchesterVolvo B12B / Van Hool AlizeeWhite
703 DYEManchesterVolvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipsenon-standard
W44 BUSManchesterVan Hool AstronGrey
OT53 BUSManchesterVDL SynergyGrey
OT51 BUSManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
8201 VCManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
OT54 BUSManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
W14 BUSManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
OR10 NVHManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
BU55 ASFManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
OR10 NJHManchesterVolvo B13RT / Jonckheere SHVGrey
SV62 BBJManchesterVan Hool AstromegaGrey
OR10 NTXManchesterVan Hool AltanoGrey
OR10 NTCManchesterMAN / Mobipeople ExplorerSilver
OT71 BUSManchesterYutong GT12Megabus